Ectropion is a rolling out of the eyelid, which is usually caused by laxity of the lower lid, related to loss of elasticity. The cause is usually age-related but it may also be caused by tightness of the skin of the cheek, which may be caused by scarring or excessive sun exposure. Symptoms and signs of ectropion include redness, drooping and swelling of the lower lid, watering and recurrent infections.
The treatment for this condition is surgical, and can be performed under either local or general anaesthetic depending on the individual patient.
Entropion is a rolling-in of the eyelid, which is usually caused by laxity of the lower lid and age-related loosening of the retractor muscles of the lower lid, related to loss of elasticity. This rolling-in causes the lashes of the lower lid to rub against the surface of the eye, causing discomfort and predisposing to infection and ulceration of the eye.
The cause is usually age-related but it may also be caused by contraction and scarring of the inner conjunctival surface of the lower lid which may be related to chronic inflammation of the eye.
Symptoms and signs of entropion include grittiness and redness of the eye, as well as excessive watering. There may be an obvious turning-in of the lower lid and the patient may develop recurrent infections.
The treatment for this condition is again surgical, and can be performed under either local or general anaesthetic depending on the individual patient.
Ptosis is a drooping of the upper eyelid, which is usually caused by laxity of the levator muscle of the upper lid, related to loss of elasticity. This drooping causes an asymmetry in the position of the upper lid, which may make the patient appear sleepy. In severe cases, the upper visual field may be obscured. The cause is usually age-related but it may also be congenital or caused by certain neurological conditions such as myasthenia gravis or Horner’s Syndrome.
The purpose of surgery is to return the eyelid to its original anatomical position. There will be an improvement in appearance due to restoration of the symmetry of the eyelids.